Helping You With Newborn Care

When you have a newborn, it’s a special time. It also can be a busy, stressful time. You can turn to your pediatrician for help with caring for your newborn. Dr. Lisa Rainey and Dr. Perdita Taylor-Zapata at West End Pediatrics in Alexandria, VA, provide a wide range of children’s medical services, including newborn care.

What You Need To Know About Newborn Care

Newborn care typically begins while you and your baby are still in the hospital, usually within 2 to 5 days of birth. This first visit is a time when your pediatrician will examine your baby and record vital information to establish a baseline for future visits. During this first newborn visit, your pediatrician will:

  • Perform a physical examination of your newborn, checking for medical issues or concerns
  • Measure and record your baby’s length, weight, and other information
  • Answer questions or discuss concerns you have about caring for your newborn
  • Provide the first doses of immunizations your newborn needs

These are some general guidelines for you to know about caring for your newborn:

  • Feeding–your newborn will want to feed every 2 to 3 hours if you are breastfeeding, or every 3 to 4 hours if you are feeding your newborn formula
  • Sleeping–Your newborn will sleep at least 16 hours a day at first
  • Always place your newborn on his or her back to sleep, to help your baby breathe more easily
  • Changing–your newborn’s stool will be black at first, changing to dark green, and then to yellow
  • If your newborn’s stool is red, call your pediatrician because it could be a sign of blood in the stool
  • Bathing–Use mild soap and lukewarm water, making sure to carefully clean the folds of skin
  • Avoid bathing your newborn too often, because it can dry out your baby’s skin

Want To Know More?

To learn more about newborn care and how your pediatrician can help, call Dr. Lisa Rainey and Dr. Perdita Taylor-Zapata at West End Pediatrics in Alexandria, VA. You can reach them in the office by calling (703) 823-7400, so call today.

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